Donations Update 2020

Handmade Pjs from North Carolina

Another 3 pairs of handmade pjs lovingly made by Linda’s dear friend Marty from North Carolina! Thank you so much Marty…they are soft and warm and the children who get them will be so lucky!

Dreams Take Flight Calgary Volunteer & Sponsor Appreciation Event

Volunteers from Dreams Take Flight Calgary made donations to Jammies from Grammies at their annual Volunteer & Sponsor Appreciation event. Jammies from Grammies received:
  – 87 sets of pyjamas
  – Boys socks
  – Boys underwear
  – Large box of personal care items


Dreams Take Flight Calgary provides a trip-of-a-lifetime in Disneyland to 150 medically, mentally, physically, socially or emotionally challenged children in Southern Alberta each year. 79 of the sets of Pyjamas are Disney themed.

Donations From Out of Province

A huge thank you to Linda’s beautiful sister Nancy in Ontario for her donation of 14 pairs of jammies for the children. And to Linda’s amazingly talented friend Marty who not only handmade the pjs (right side pic) but shipped them at her cost to Calgary from North Carolina. Marty’s pjs are soft and warm and made with love.

Thank you both so much for supporting Jammies From Grammies.

Thank you to dentists Dr. Veronica Lee and Dr. Melinda Lee from the Clinton Dental Clinic in Clinton, Ontario for their generous donation of toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss for children in the Calgary area.